2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Majors and Minors



Every student pursuing a baccalaureate degree from Malone University must be approved in a major. It is important for the student to follow the complete process which includes: 1) selection, 2) application and 3) approval. Specific course requirements for each major are discussed in the appropriate school/departmental sections of this catalog. A thorough understanding of those requirements and careful planning with an adviser will expedite completion of the student’s degree program.

Selection of a Major

A student working toward the Bachelor of Science degree may select a major from the following list:

Early Childhood Education   
Health Education   
Intervention Specialist Education   
Middle Childhood Education   
Music Education   
Physical Education   
Spanish Education   
Visual Arts Education   

A student working toward the Bachelor of Arts degree may select a major from the list below. Several of these majors are available as secondary school teaching areas.

Accounting  Life Science/Chemistry Education 
Art  Life Science Education 
Bible and Theology  Mathematics 
Biology  Music 
Biology – Clinical Laboratory Science  Music Ministry 
Business Administration  Music Production 
Chemistry  Philosophy 
Communication Arts  Physical Science Education 
Community Health Education  Political Science 
Computer Science  Psychology 
Creative Writing 
Social Work 
Educational Ministries  Spanish 
English  Sport Management 
Exercise Science  Sports Outreach Ministries 
History  Sports/Educational Ministries 
Individualized Major  Youth Ministry 
Integrated Language Arts  Youth/Educational Ministries 
Integrated Science Education 
Youth/Sports Ministries 
Integrated Social Studies  Zoo and Wildlife Biology 
Liberal Arts   

A student working toward the Bachelor of Arts degree via accelerated degree completion may select a major from among:

Organizational Management   
Project Management   
Marketing Management   
Health Services Management   
Environmental Management   

Application for a Major

After completing the equivalent of 3 full-time semesters (45 semester hours), including a minimum of 9 hours within the intended major, the student must:

  • complete and turn in the Application for Major Form that is available from the Office of the Registrar.

Approval in a Major

A school or department will normally accept the application for major and approve the student in the major when the student has:

  • achieved a 2.00 or higher cgpa
  • achieved a minimum of 12 hours of Malone coursework in the major with an institutional minimum 2.25 major gpa unless stated otherwise in the specific major guidelines within the school or department.

Individualized Major

Most students will pursue one of the regular academic majors. However, a student may have special interest in pursuing in-depth study in a combination of disciplines drawing from different parts of the curriculum. Such a student has the option of designing an individualized major.

The student will work in collaboration with a faculty adviser from one of the student’s primary areas of study to submit a proposal for this individualized major to the Curriculum Committee for approval. Guidelines and forms for developing the proposal will be available in the Office of Advising and Testing and the Office of the Registrar. The proposal should be submitted to the Curriculum Committee no later than the beginning of the junior year.

Liberal Arts Major

A Liberal Arts major is a cross-disciplinary pattern of 45 hours with a minimum of 15 hours from each of three cognates related to the student’s objectives. At least 39 hours must be at the 300- 400 level with a minimum of 12 in each of the three approved fields, two of which must be in liberal arts disciplines, and cannot be in one of the professional (Bachelor of Science) majors. Any student interested in the Liberal Arts major should meet with the Registrar to determine courses in the three cognates. Careful and early planning is important in order to complete the major in a timely manner.

All Liberal Arts majors must apply and be admitted to the major prior to the beginning of the junior year (after completing 60 credits). Complete guidelines and requirements for the Liberal Arts major and are available in the Office of Advising and Testing.


A minor normally consists of a minimum of 15 semester hours, 6 of which must be taken at the 300/400 level. Each academic school or department must approve the student and curriculum to be used in the completion of each minor for the Office of the Registrar to verify at the point of graduation.

  • A student must maintain a minimum of a 2.25 gpa within the approved minor curriculum in order to be awarded the minor at the time of graduation.
  • Transfer students must take at least two courses in residence at Malone in an approved minor in order to be awarded the minor at the time of graduation.
  • A minor will not be issued in an identical major field (i.e., a student may not have both a major and a minor in the same field).
  • A minor will not be issued in a field identical to the supporting field of a given major unless 9 additional hours of coursework beyond those required as support for the major are taken (e.g., the Biology major requires 7-8 hours of supporting Chemistry coursework; to add a Chemistry minor, 9 other hours beyond those already required in the Biology major would be needed as well as meeting the above-mentioned minor requirements).
A student may select a minor from the following list:
Accounting  Gender Studies 
Art  History 
Athletic Training  Management 
Bible  Marketing 
Bible and Theology  Mathematics 
Biblical Languages  Missions & Cross-Cultural Ministries 
Biology  Music 
Business Administration  Outdoor Leadership 
Chemistry  Philosophy 
Coaching  Political Science 
Communication Arts  Psychology 
Community Health Education  School Health Education 
Computer Science  Sociology 
Creative Writing  Spanish 
Economics  Sport Management 
Educational Ministries  Sports Ministry 
English  Theology 
Finance  Writing 
Fitness Promotions & Personal Training  Youth Ministry