2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 05, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graphic Design and Digital Arts

Students pursuing the Graphic Design and Digital Arts major have many opportunities to delve into the exciting world of digital art: from creating graphic novels to developing the design skills to thrive in a modern design studio environment and job. Students acquire mastery in the Adobe design apps as well as many other programs relating to design, 3D design and animation, and illustration. There are also opportunities to create interactive and cross‐departmental projects. Students may enter their work in local, regional, and national exhibits as well as participate in the Graphic Artist Guild, the Canton Ad Club, and submit work to various competitions. Faculty are active in the local art community and the wider digital community and encourage students to participate alongside them.

The major in Graphic Design and Digital Arts consists of the following: