2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Natural Sciences Programs

Division Dean: C. Stroup
Program Faculty: K. Burns, J. Courter, R. Eagle-Malone, J. Goff, K. Huisinga, S. Lane

The Malone University Natural Sciences programs exist to engage students in the study of God’s majesty and character by exploring His handiwork as it is revealed in nature, both animate and inanimate; to promote the wise and thoughtful stewardship of the natural resources He has entrusted to us; and to encourage students to demonstrate God’s love in their respective communities by using the knowledge and skills they acquire here.

The Bible claims that the universe is the product of God’s creativity; it is ultimately the work of His hands (Psalm 19). Although Christians may disagree about the details, they agree that the universe serves as an incessant and eloquent testimony of God’s power. Mainstream science, although it may not give God credit for the universe, still rightfully recognizes the wonders and beauties of the earth and of the heavens beyond. Studying the Natural Sciences helps us understand God’s majesty (Romans 1:20), our own relative insignificance (Romans 8:3, 4), and God’s love for us in spite of our insignificance (Luke 12:27, 28; Matthew 10:29, 31). In light of the powerful testimony to God’s character revealed in the universe, we have a moral responsibility to appreciate the splendor of God’s works.

The Bible goes further. Although the Earth is the Lord’s (Psalm 24:1), He has entrusted it to us (Genesis 1:26, Psalm 8:6); we have a moral responsibility to care for the earth on God’s behalf. It is impossible to fulfill this mandate without studying the intricacies of the creatures we care for and understanding both how they impact the environment and how the environment impacts them.

There are also practical reasons for studying the Sciences. Our individual lives and society in general are being increasingly affected by science and technology. Therefore, a significant goal during collegiate years should be to acquire a working knowledge of this growing field, an appreciation of the methods by which such knowledge is obtained and classified, and increased skills in problem solving related to scientific inquiry.

In addition to the wonders seen in the world around us, the psalmist has written that we ourselves are marvelous and wonderfully complex creations of God (Psalm 139:14). The apostle Paul teaches us that we are obligated to glorify God in our bodies (I Corinthians 6:19, 20) and calls our bodies His sanctuary. One of the ways we glorify God in our bodies is by living lifestyles that support healthy bodies. The Wellness Center at Malone provides an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to glorify God in this way by fostering a lifelong love of activity and physical fitness.


Natural Sciences offers majors in Biochemistry Biology  (General Biology Track, Pre-Medicine Track, Pre-Optometry Track, Pre-Physician Assistant Track, Pre-Veterinary Medicine Track), Biology-Clinical Laboratory Science Chemistry   (Pre-Dentistry Track, Pre-Pharmacy Track), Exercise Science  (Medical Fitness Track, Pre-Athletic Training Track, Pre-Chiropractic Track, Pre-Occupational Therapy Track, and Pre-Physical Therapy Track), and Zoo and Wildlife Biology . All Natural Science majors are required to meet a minimum 2.25 major GPA and complete all of the internal/external assessment instruments employed by the division in order to be eligible for graduation. A comprehensive list of these assessments and a timeline for their completion may be obtained from the Dean of the Division of Natural and Health Sciences.

In conjunction with the Division of Humanities, Education, and Ministry , Natural Sciences offers majors in Life Science/Chemistry Education  and Life Science Education . These areas of specialty prepare students for secondary teaching licensure for grades 7-12. Periodic assessment of students pursuing these majors/programs is crucial for the purposes of obtaining/maintaining accreditation by CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation). Several assessments have therefore been built into the required coursework for each of these majors, either in specific education classes or specific content classes. However, two assessments must be completed by each teacher education major independently of specific coursework in collaboration with a natural sciences instructor. A comprehensive list of these assessments and a timeline for their completion may be obtained from the Dean of the Division of Natural and Health Sciences.

Notes: 1) Students pursuing Life Science/Chemistry Education or Life Science Education must maintain a minimum 2.75 major and cumulative GPA to progress through the teacher licensure program and achieve a grade of C- or higher in every CHEM, BIOL, or PHYS course that is listed as a content requirement. A content course for which the minimum grade of C- is not obtained may be repeated only one time to meet the grade requirement of C- or better. At most, 2 content courses may be retaken. A grade of below C- on a retake or in a third content course will result in automatic dismissal from the major. 2) Candidates for both Teacher Education programs (Life Science Education or Life Science/Chemistry Education) are required to earn a minimum grade of C (2.0) for all EDUC and SPED courses and may repeat a course only once. To register for education courses at the 300 level or above, acceptance into Teacher Education is required. See details of the assessment requirements and criteria for teacher licensure programs in the Teacher Education Program . 3) A $50 laboratory fee is assessed for each laboratory course within this division.  

Pre-Professional and Allied Health Programs

Pre-Chiropractic, Pre-Dental, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Veterinary Medicine, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Physician Assistant

Entrance into professional study requires significant preparation in science and mathematics. Professional schools are not usually interested in the particular major a student has obtained, but they are extremely interested in the individual coursework a student has completed. All professional schools have specific course prerequisites for admission. The various tracks contained within the biology, chemistry, and exercise science majors, as well as the biochemistry major, have been designed to prepare students in such a way that they will have met these curricular prerequisites for the vast majority of professional schools. The tracks have been named accordingly. Nevertheless, professional schools periodically adjust their course prerequisites and a specific professional school might therefore require a course that has not been included in the relevant track described in this catalog. A student planning to complete entrance requirements for professional study should therefore confer with the pre-professional committee for the most up-to-date curricular requirements of particular programs.

Entrance into professional study is also extremely competitive. In most cases, a student’s cumulative GPA must be very high (3.5-4.0) to be considered for acceptance into a professional school. Most professional schools also require that each applicant take a standardized exam such as the MCAT, DAT, OAT, GRE, or PCAT. Competitive scores on these standardized tests are required for admission into these professional schools. While Malone students have historically performed very well on these tests and Malone graduates have a proven record of acceptance into professional schools, a degree from Malone does not guarantee acceptance into one of these programs. However, students that meet certain criteria are guaranteed interviews with the College of Pharmacy at NEOMED in Rootstown, Ohio.

Au Sable Institute for Environmental Studies

Malone participates in the Environmental Studies extension program available through Au Sable Institute in three different locations: AS-Great Lakes in the Great Lakes Forest, Michigan; AS-Pacific Rim on Puget Sound, Washington; and AS-India in Tamil Nadu, South India. There is also a May-term course, Tropical Agriculture and Missions, located in Costa Rica. Courses are offered primarily during the summer. Interested students should contact the Division of Natural and Health Sciences. Complete course descriptions for available courses can be found in the Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies Official Bulletin or here . Additional information is available at ausable.org. Enrollment in any of the Au Sable courses is by permission of the Dean of the Division of Natural and Health Sciences.


The Division of Natural and Health Sciences regularly assesses the learning outcomes that are intended by its various programs. Several assessment instruments have been embedded into required coursework for each major (i.e., internal assessments), but a few assessments must be completed by each student independently of specific coursework (i.e., external assessments). One such external assessment tool employed by the division is an ETS major field test in biology, chemistry, computer science, or mathematics. A comprehensive list of these assessments and a timeline for their completion may be obtained from the Dean of the Division of Natural and Health Sciences.

Each student must complete all of the internal/external assessment instruments employed by the division in order to be eligible for graduation. Therefore it is essential to meet with the Dean of the Division of Natural and Health Sciences to arrange a schedule for completing all external assessments. By March 1 of the final spring semester prior to intended graduation, each Senior should inform the division Dean that he/she has applied for graduation so that the appropriate test can be ordered and received with sufficient time for its completion.

Natural Sciences has developed 20 Program-Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) that are distributed over its programs in unique combinations delineated in the table following the list below:

  1. Demonstrate the capability of integrating data and assessing phenomena within a Christian paradigm.
  2. Demonstrate a comprehension of the central concepts of chemistry including the major theories and laws which govern chemical phenomena.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships between structure and behavior of the chemical elements in their various forms and combinations.
  4. Demonstrate safe laboratory practices and an environmental ethic as it pertains to chemical use and disposal.
  5. Demonstrate the capability of analyzing and reporting various kinds of experimental data used in the chemical disciplines including the output of GC techniques, MS techniques, IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, UV-VIS, AA, and Gel Electrophoresis.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of the biological characteristics of each of the major kingdoms.
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts of molecular biology and genetics.
  8. Demonstrate an understanding of the various factors that impact biological populations.
  9. Demonstrate an ability to properly relate biological structure and function.
  10. Demonstrate the capability of working with animals in safe and ethical ways that conform to state and national guidelines.
  11. Demonstrate the capability of analyzing and reporting empirical data from the biological sciences.
  12. Demonstrate a balanced concept of molecular, micro, and macro levels of biological phenomena in the context of human systems.
  13. Demonstrate the ability to properly relate biological structure and function in the context of human systems.
  14. Demonstrate the level of content mastery required for potential successful performance in graduate school biology programs or professional schools.
  15. Demonstrate the level of content mastery required for potential successful performance in secondary science education.
  16. Demonstrate the level of content mastery required for potential successful performance in chemical industry, graduate school chemistry programs, or professional schools.
  17. Demonstrate understanding of anatomical, kinesiological, and physiological concepts of exercise science.
  18. Demonstrate knowledge of the prevention, care, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries.
  19. Demonstrate ability to assess fitness needs of individuals and groups.
  20. Demonstrate ability to plan effective exercise prescriptions for various populations.
Major, Program, or Concentration Appropriate Student Learning Outcomes
Biochemistry A, B, C, E, G, I, K, N, P
Biology (General Track) A, B, D, F, G, H, I, K, N
Biology (Pre-Medicine Track) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, N 
Biology (Pre-Optometry Track) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, N  
Biology (Pre-Physician Assistant Track) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, K, L, M, N
Biology (Pre-Veterinary Medicine Track) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, J, K, L, M, N
Biology-Clinical Laboratory Science A, B, C, D, F, G, I, K, L, M, N
Chemistry (Pre-Dentistry Track) A, B, C, D, E, L, M, P 
Chemistry (Pre-Pharmacy Track) A, B, C, D, E, L, M, P
Exercise Science (All Concentrations) L, M, Q, R, S, T
Life Science/Chemistry Education A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, O 
Life Science Education A, B, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, O 
Zoo and Wildlife Biology A, B, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, N 


    Undergraduate MajorUndergraduate MinorPre-Professional


      BiologyChemistryEnvironmental StudiesExercise SciencePhysics