2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Business and Technologies

Faculty: M. Bankert, K. Calderhead, S. Campbell, L. Foote, J. Frankland, D. Hahn, A. Payne (chair), E. Postlewaite

Mission Statement

The Malone University Department of Business and Technologies exists to provide students with a relevant education that develops intellectual maturity, wisdom, Christ-centered excellence, and ethical leadership in thought and service to Church, community, and world and as it relates to business environments and organizations specifically. Please visit https://www.malone.edu/about/mission-foundational-principles-doctrinal-statement to view the Malone University Mission, Foundational Principles, and Doctrinal Statements.

Majors and Programs

The Department of Business and Technologies offers ten (10) traditional undergraduate majors: Accounting , Business Administration , Business Management , Computer Science , Data Analytics , Finance Hospitality and Tourism Marketing , Mathematics , and Sport Management . There is one primary accelerated degree-completion major in Organizational Management . There is one graduate program, the M.B.A., with three specializations: Social Enterprise, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship; Business and Data Analytics; and Philanthropy and Human Resource Development.

The departmental curriculum is augmented by the general education curriculum required of all Malone undergraduates. We believe that this liberal arts foundation will better equip graduates from the Department of Business and Technologies with the knowledge and skills needed for positions of management and leadership in a diverse workplace environment.The faculty in the department is key to the quality of the education. The faculty has solid academic and professional credentials. In addition, many of the faculty have considerable professional work experience and are able to combine real-world experience with theory in the classroom.

A Christian worldview informs all courses and programs in the department. We strive to prepare students who can integrate Christian values such as integrity, stewardship, and justice with their business knowledge and thereby serve God in the business world.


Business students may also consider additional business minors to increase business knowledge in other specific areas. Malone students with majors outside the Department of Business and Technologies can also add a business component to their education by obtaining one or more of the twelve (12) business minors: Accounting , Business Administration , Business Analytics , Computer Science , Economics , Finance Hospitality and Tourism , International Business , Management , Marketing , Mathematics , and Sport Management .

The University requires a minimum of a 2.25 gpa in the courses required for a minor. The University requires that a minor contain at least 9 additional hours of coursework beyond those required as support for the major. A course could be used to fulfill the requirements for two minors as long as there are at least 9 hours per minor that are not used in the major or in the other minor. (For example, ECON 401 - Money and Banking or BUS 333 - Intermediate Finance could be used in both the Economics minor and the Finance minor.) Likewise, a course used for a minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for six hours of 300- or 400-level business or economics electives within the business administration major as long as the previously stated University requirement is observed.


The faculty in the department is key to the quality of the education. All faculty in the Department of Business and Technologies have solid academic and professional credentials, and many bring considerable professional work experience and experiential learning into the classroom and curriculum.

Program Goals

The Department of Business and Technologies has adopted and seeks to achieve the following program goals that can be applied to all major-specific programs of study:

  • To develop students that reflect on the role of Christian faith in the program of major profession
  • To develop students who are positioned for successful completion of industry certification and job placement
  • To develop students who engage in critical thinking and problem solving through the program of study and resolution of business related problems
  • To develop leaders who understand the stewardships of vocational callings to serve Church, community, and world

Program-Intended Learning Outcomes

Students are expected to learn what they need to know to attain personal success and fulfill their public responsibilities in a global and diverse society. We define educational quality by how well we achieve our mission relative to program intended learning outcomes. The Department of Business and Technologies has developed the following Program-Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) that are adapted to specific major program of study:

  • Students will apply course-specific skills and knowledge within their programs of study contexts.
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of current standards, theory, and practices applicable to their programs of study.
  • Students will effectively communicate and demonstrate critical thinking about theory and practice as it relates to their programs of study.
  • Students will apply Christian values (such as stewardship, integrity, and justice) to business contexts, while taking into consideration the impact on Church, community, and world.

Accelerated Bachelor of Arts Degree Completion in Management (MGMT)

The Accelerated Degree-Completion Program in Management (MGMT) was first offered by Malone University in 1984. The program offers three models: (a) 12-month, (b) 16-month, and (c) 24-month online delivery. The complete program description and requirements for MGMT are found below.

For an application or information, please direct inquiries to 330.471.8500; 800.257.4723; Fax 330.471.8343; gps@malone.edu; www.malone.edu/gps

The accelerated Bachelor of Arts degree-completion program offers one 36-credit-hour major: Organizational Management .

Certificate Offerings

Abbreviated certificate programs are available as non-credit, stand-alone Certificates of Completion. Course descriptions are identical to the courses within the major programs; however, academic requirements for non-credit seekers differ from those for credit seekers.

The certificate options are as follows:

Student Requirements for Admission

Students applying for admission must meet the following:

  • Have 40 to 88 credit hours of undergraduate coursework from regionally accredited colleges or universities
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • Have 5 years of work experience
  • Demonstrate writing proficiency through college/university English composition or a writing sample

For any applicant that may not meet all of the admission requirements, the student may submit a letter requesting review by the Enrollment Committee.

Course Requirements for Graduation

A student must have a minimum of 124 semester credit hours including the general education, liberal arts, and organizational management curriculum requirements to complete the Bachelor of Arts Degree with a major in organizational management. The required minimum gpa in the major is 2.25. The graduation plan should be confirmed with the Malone University adviser.

A student pursuing the organizational management major must meet the following course requirements for graduation: all major requirements (ACCT 211; BUS 211, 240, 300, 304, 311, 322, 330, 332, 383, 443, 473) Additionally, the General Education curriculum requires one course in English composition (ENG 145 ); one in communications (COMM 110 ), one in natural science (BIOL, CHEM, PHYS, SCI); three courses in foundations of faith: BIBL 100 , GEN 460 , and THEO 201  or THEO 211 . A student must complete the following liberal arts requirements: five courses from at least three of the following areas: fine arts, history, literature, natural science, philosophy, psychology, social science, statistics/mathematics (BUS 240 ), and one must be cross-cultural/global encounters/foreign language (min. 15 hours).

Transfer Credits

  • Accredited college course work
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) National testing program for awarding of college credit (maximum of 20)
  • Credits recommended by the American Council of Education (ACE) Guides, The Military Guide, The National Guide, and other guides.

Malone University reserves the right to set standards which may be higher than those recommended by ACE, CLEP, or other such agencies.

Additional Credit Options

  • Credit by Examination (maximum of 20) - CLEP and subject area exams at Malone University
  • Prior Learning Assessment (maximum of 31) - An assessment of prior learning from work/college-level, life-learning experience and technical/professional training (GEN 111 - Prior Learning Assessment)
  • General Education Courses
  • Supplementary Courses - After transferring credits, additional courses may be needed. Courses can be taken at Malone University or any regionally accredited school.

Credit Requirement for Graduation

Total from transfer and additional credit options  88
Organizational Management Curriculum (12-, 16-, or 24-month program)  36
Total Semester Hours needed to graduate 124



    Undergraduate MajorUndergraduate Minor


      AccountingBusiness AdministrationComputer ScienceCybersecurityEconomicsInterdepartmental CoursesMathematicsSport ManagementPage: 1 | 2