Graduate Catalog 2009-2010 
    Mar 02, 2025  
Graduate Catalog 2009-2010 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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COUN 630 - Counseling Practicum

Counseling Practicum is a one-semester supervised counseling experience in which a student serves as a counselor-in-training at a prearranged training site that is appropriate to the program emphasis (clinical or school). Practicum consists of a minimum of 100 clock hours of clinical training. A minimum of 40 hours is devoted to individual and/or group counseling. The student receives one hour of face-to-face supervision weekly from a qualified site supervisor during the duration of Practicum. Throughout the semester, a student also meets for 21/2 hours weekly for group supervision in a seminar with a program faculty member. Group supervision involves case presentation of a student’s counseling with individual and/or group clients. Group supervision also provides the student with the opportunity to integrate on-site counseling experiences with the theories; techniques; and multicultural, professional, legal, and ethical issues acquired in the academic counseling courses. The site supervisor and departmental faculty supervisor complete written evaluations of the student’s performance during and upon completion of the Practicum experience.Prerequisite(s): For Clinical Counseling - COUN 544, 567, 628, and Practicum Application. For School Counseling - COUN 545, 567, 610, 661, 664, and Practicum Application.Fall, Spring, Summer.

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