2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Jan 22, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fee Payment Policies

Malone University makes every effort to keep costs at a minimum while maintaining adequate facilities and a high level of instruction. Student fees do not cover all the operational costs of the University. To make up this difference, the University depends upon the generous gifts and contributions of its supporting churches, communities, alumni, and friends. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to make necessary adjustments in fees at any time but intends to give notice by April 1 of any fee change.

Price of the 2023-24 Academic Year
(Traditional Undergraduate)

The estimated annual cost for a full-time student is as follows:

Block tuition: 24 to 36 credit hours (the annual undergraduate full-time tuition rate is $1122.58 per credit hour based on 31 credit hours) $34,800
Comprehensive Fee 1,320
Commuting Student Total $36,120
Room and Board (Carte Blanche Meal Plan)     11,290
Resident Student Total $47,410
(plus approximately $1300 for books/supplies; $1200-1500 for transportation; $1800-2200 for other expenses; and additional fees from the list following as applicable)

Enrollment Deposit

An enrollment deposit of $200.00 is required for all first-time freshmen, transfer undergraduates, and re-admitted students applying for Fall or Spring semester. The Enrollment Deposit allows the University to develop the student’s class schedule. For a student planning to live in University housing, the Enrollment Deposit secures a place in a residence hall; $100.00 of the Enrollment Deposit will be retained as a housing Security Deposit. Finally, for all new freshmen and transfers who begin in Fall semester, $20.00 of the Enrollment Deposit will be applied to the New Student Orientation. Any balance will be credited to the student’s first University bill.

The Enrollment Deposit is non-refundable after May 1 for the Fall semester and November 1 for the Spring semester.

Fee Schedule: Traditional Undergraduate

Block (Full-time) Tuition:

$17,400 per semester for 12 to 18 credit hours (the annual undergraduate full-time tuition rate is $1122.58 per credit hour based on 31 credit hours)

Part-time/Overload Tuition Rate:

$610 per credit hour -

  1. for 0.5 to 11.5 hours
  2. for each hour in excess of 18
  3. for undergraduate programs that are 100% online

Summer Tuition Rate:

$610 per credit hour (see summer schedule of classes for complete summer fees)


$2,600 per semester*

*Private room available for an additional $1000 per semester.
*Amenities (A/C) room available for an additional $200 per semester.

Carte Blanche Board Plan:

$3,045 per semester

14-Meal Board Plan:

$2,825 per semester

Commuter Board Plan:

$570 per semester for Block 75 plan

See Student Development  for board (meal plan) descriptions.

Important Notice - the fees listed below are non-refundable.

Comprehensive Fee:

$660 per semester for 12 hours or more; $330 per semester for 8-11.5 hours; $165 per semester for 3-7.5 hours; $310 per semester e-learning comp fee (fully online).

Other Fees (including, but not limited to):

Academic course fees (as required, see list below) 25-480
Application 20
Applied Music 100
Credit by examination (per exam) + $30 per credit hour passed 40
Graduation 100
Late registration 125
Parking (included in Comprehensive Fee) 0
Resident Student Room Reservation (returning residents) 100
Mandatory Student Athletic Insurance - coverage for both Fall and Spring semesters* 450
Student Teaching (Note: additional fees for international placements) 350
Withdrawal from the University 125
(or 5% of direct costs as determined in the financial aid calculation, whichever is less)

*Notes: 1) An additional Mandatory Primary Insurance Fee is charged to student athletes not covered by an existing policy. 2) Spring Enrollees are charged the annual rate. 3) For a complete list of all course fees, please contact the Business Office (330.471.8117 or studentbills@malone.edu).

Academic Course Fees

Course Code Course Title Fee
ART  232 Design I: 2D $150.00
ART  251 Oil/Acrylic Painting $220.00
ART  271 Digital Design: Adobe Suite $65.00
ART  304 Intro to Drawing $75.00
ART  314 Intro to Photo $90.00
ART  351 Oil/Acrylic Painting $220.00
ART 323 Visual Comm in Graphic Design $65.00
BIOL 111 Animal Husbandry I $30.00
BIOL 112 Animal Husbandry II $30.00
BIOL 131 Hum An & Phy I $65.00
BIOL 132   Hum An & Phy II $65.00
BIOL 144 General Biology I $65.00
BIOL 147 General Biology II $65.00
BIOL 150 Zoo Biol Mgt $65.00
BIOL 200 General Botany $65.00
BIOL 231 Wldlife Rehab $65.00
BIOL 253 Invertebrate Zo $65.00
BIOL 313 Princ of Immun $65.00
BIOL 344  Adv Study Comp A&P $65.00
BIOL 353  Ornithology $65.00
BIOL 354 Wildlife Biology $65.00
BIOL 371 Microbiology $65.00
BIOL 372 Genetics $65.00
BIOL 375 Molecular Biology $65.00
BIOL 381 General Ecology $65.00
BIOL 391 Anml Pop Mgt $65.00
BIOL 410 Animal Behav $65.00
BIOL 420 Research $65.00
BIOL 450  Adv Topic w/Lab $65.00
BIOL 472 Cell Biology $65.00
BUS 453 Strategic Manage $46.00
CHEM 115 Basic Physiolog $65.00
CHEM 131 General Chemistry I $65.00
CHEM 132 General Chemistry II $65.00
CHEM 135 Chemistry for An Man $65.00
CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry T $65.00
CHEM 312  T Inorganic Chemistry $65.00
CHEM 322 Organic Chemistry II $65.00
CHEM 335 Analytical Chemistry $65.00
CHEM 374 Biochemistry I $65.00
CHEM 375 Biochemistry II $65.00
CHEM 401  T Phys Chem I $65.00
CHEM 420  Research $65.00
CHEM 431  Forensic Chemistry $65.00
CHEM 450 Adv Topic w/Lab $65.00
COMM 222 Intro to Theatr $75.00
COMM 231 Intro to Media Production $120.00
COMM 240  Applied Film $100.00
COMM 240  Applied Theatre/ Comm Arts $75.00
COMM 240  Applied Media $100.00
COMM 340 Applied Media $100.00
COMM 340  Applied Film $100.00
COMM 340  Applied Theatre/ Comm Arts $75.00
COMM 375 Cinematography & Editing $120.00
COMM 425 Public relations Crisis & Camp $40.00
COMM 431 Advanced Production $120.00
COMM 450 Adv Topic: Capitol Exp $350.00
COMM 452 Scriptwriting $75.00
EDUC 112 Teaching in a Diverse $250.00
EDUC 114 Orientation to Teacher $250.00
EDUC 326 Comm, Coll $29.00
EDUC 498 Student Teaching $350.00
Education Majors Assessment Tool/ Tevera $250.00
EXSC 210 First Aid & Safety $65.00
EXSC 215 Anatomical Structure & Function $65.00
GEN  100   The Collg Exp $150.00
MUS  100  00 App Mus: Flute $100.00
MUS  100  00   P Prep Lvl Flute $100.00
MUS  100  01 App Mus: Piano $100.00
MUS  100  01   P Prep Lvl Piano $100.00
MUS  100  02 App Mus: Voice $100.00
MUS  100  02   P Prep Lvl Voice $100.00
MUS  100  03 App Mus:Organ $100.00
MUS  100  03   P Prep Lvl Organ $100.00
MUS  100  04 Mus: Clarinet $100.00
MUS  100  04   P Prep Lvl Clarin $100.00
MUS  100  05 Ap Mus:Guitar $100.00
MUS  100  05   P Prep Lvl Guitar $100.00
MUS  100  06 App Mus: Sax $100.00
MUS  100  06   P Prep Lvl Sax $100.00
MUS  100  07 App Mus: Trump $100.00
MUS  100  07   P Prep Lvl Trump $100.00
MUS  100  08 App Mus:Percus $100.00
MUS  100  08   P Prep Lvl Percus $100.00
MUS  100  09 App Mus: Violin $100.00
MUS  100  09   P Prep Lvl Violin $100.00
MUS  100  10 App Mus: Oboe $100.00
MUS  100  10   P Prep Lvl Oboe $100.00
MUS  100  11 App Mus:Bassoon $100.00
MUS  100  11   P Prep Lvl Bassoo $100.00
MUS  100  12 Ap Mus: Fr Horn $100.00
MUS  100  12   P Prp Lvl Fr Horn $100.00
MUS  100  13 Ap Mus:Tromb $100.00
MUS  100  13   P Prep Lvl Tromb $100.00
MUS  100  14 App Mus: Tuba $100.00
MUS  100  14   P Prep Lvl Tuba $100.00
MUS  100  15 Ap Mus:Euphon $100.00
MUS  100  15   P Prep Lvl Euphon $100.00
MUS  100  16 App Mus:Comp $100.00
MUS  100  17 App Mus: Condt $100.00
MUS  100  18 App Mus: $100.00
MUS  100  19 App Mus: $100.00
MUS  100 19 Prep Lvl $100.00
MUS  200  00 App Mus Flute $100.00
MUS  200  01 App Mus: Piano $100.00
MUS  200  02 App Mus: Voice $100.00
MUS  200  03 App Mus: Organ $100.00
MUS  200  04 App Mus: Clarin $100.00
MUS  200  05 App Mus: Guitar $100.00
MUS  200  06 App Mus: Sax $100.00
MUS  200  07 App Mus Trumpet $100.00
MUS  200  08 App Mus: Percus $100.00
MUS  200  09 App Mus: Violin $100.00
MUS  200  10 App Mus: Oboe $100.00
MUS  200  11 App Mus: Bassoo $100.00
MUS  200  12 App Mus: Fr Hrn $100.00
MUS  200  13 App Mus: Tromb $100.00
MUS  200  14 App Mus: Tuba $100.00
MUS  200  15 App Mus: Euphon $100.00
MUS  210  1 Choral Ens: Cho $100.00
MUS  210  3 Chamber Choir $100.00
MUS  220  3 Jazz Band $100.00
MUS  220  5 Symphonic Band $100.00
MUS  300  00 App Mus: Flute $100.00
MUS  300  01 App Mus: Piano $100.00
MUS  300  02 App Mus: Voice $100.00
MUS  300  03 App Mus: Organ $100.00
MUS  300  04 App Mus:Clarin $100.00
MUS  300  05 App Mus:Guitar $100.00
MUS  300  06 App Mus: Sax $100.00
MUS  300  07 App Mus:Trump $100.00
MUS  300  08 App Mus:Percus $100.00
MUS  300  09 App Mus: Violin $100.00
MUS  300  10 App Mus: Oboe $100.00
MUS  300  11 App Mus:Bassoon $100.00
MUS  300  12 App Mus:Fr Hrn $100.00
MUS  300  13 App Mus:Tromb $100.00
MUS  300  14 App Mus: Tuba $100.00
MUS  300  15 App Mus:Euphon $100.00
MUS  400  00 App Mus: Flute $100.00
MUS  400  01 App Mus: Piano $100.00
MUS  400  02 App Mus: Voice $100.00
MUS  400  03 App Mus: Organ $100.00
MUS  400  04 App Mus:Clarin $100.00
MUS  400  05 App Mus: Guitar $100.00
MUS  400  06 App Mus: Sax $100.00
MUS  400  07 App Mus:Trump $100.00
MUS  400  08 App Mus:Percus $100.00
MUS  400  09 App Mus: Violin $100.00
MUS  400  10 App Mus: Oboe $100.00
MUS  400  11 App Mus:Bassoon $100.00
MUS  400  12 App Mus:Fr Hrn $100.00
MUS  400  13 App Mus:Tromb $100.00
MUS  400  14 App Mus: Tuba $100.00
MUS  400  15 App Mus:Euphon $100.00
MUS 100 20 App Mus:Bass  $100.00
MUS 367 MUS for Mid/Early $100.00
NURS 213   Foundations in Nrs Clinic I $480.00
NURS 214 Foundations in Nrs Clinic I $480.00
NURS 313   Nurs Across Lifespan II $480.00
NURS 314   Nurs Across Lifespan III $480.00
NURS 413   Nurs Across Lifespan IV $480.00
NURS 414   Complx & Crit C $480.00
NURS 462 The Prof Role-NCLEX $400.00
PE   231 Initiative Game $25.00
PHYS 100 Physical Science $65.00
PHYS 213 General Physics I $65.00
PHYS 214 General Physics II $65.00
PHYS 401   Thermodynamics $65.00
Psychology Majors Assessment Tool/ Tevera $250.00
POL 450 Adv Topic: Capitol Exp $350.00
SMGT 290 Facility & Event $65.00
SPED 498 Special Educ St Teach $350.00
URBN 440 Urbn Ldr Cap I $125.00
URBN 441 Urbn Ldr Cap II $125.00
URBN 450 Adv Topic: Go/See $400.00

Fee Schedule: Malone Management Program (MGMT)

Fees (including, but not limited to):

Tuition (program includes 36 total credit hours)  $610 per credit hour
Comprehensive Fee  $310 per semester
Graduation     $100
Textbooks (additional and not included in tuition)*  

* Standard default is Slingshot Choice through the Campus Store. Students will need to “opt out” at https://malone.slingshotedu.com/#/landing should they prefer to secure textbooks on their own. Contact the Campus Store for assistance at 330.471.8310 or bookstore@malone.edu

Payment Plans

All charges are due and payable at the time of registration for each semester unless one of the following alternative payment plans is elected:

  1. Full Payment Plan - Payment is due in full at the start of each semester. Fall bills are published in mid-July with an August 3 due date; spring bills are published in mid-November with a December 3 due date; summer bills are published in mid-March with an April 3 due date. Any adjustments to the account will be reflected on the next month’s bill and may require an additional payment due as indicated on the tuition bill.
  2. Monthly Payment Plan - Payments are determined by semester. Fall semester has 4 monthly payments due on the 3rd of each month (August through November). Spring semester has 4 monthly payments due on the 3rd of each month (December through March). Summer semester has 4 monthly payments due on the 3rd of each month (April through July). Electronic billing statements are normally published and made available via ePioneer by the 20th of each month for the following monthly due date. Monthly bills will reflect any adjustments to the account which may change the amount due. There is a $50 per semester participation fee for the monthly billing plan.
  3. Business Deferred Plan - This plan allows the student to defer payment of tuition that is reimbursable by his/her company. To qualify, the student must provide a copy of the company reimbursement policy and verification of personal eligibility. There is a $50 per semester participation fee. Those charges that are not reimbursable by the company must be paid by the student using one of the payment plans listed. Company reimbursement is due within 30 days of the completion of EACH class. The student will be held responsible for payment if company reimbursement is delayed beyond thirty days. Registration for future semesters may not be permitted if reimbursements are not current.

Late Payments - Late first payments each semester (August 3, December 3, and April 3 due dates) will subject the student to loss of classes and housing. All other payments made late or for less than the amount billed will be charged a $50 late fee.

Allowing Veterans to Attend or Participate in Courses Pending VA Payment


Section 103 of Public Law (PL) 115-407, ‘Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018,’ amends Title 38 US Code 3679 by adding a new subsection (e) that requires disapproval of courses of education, beginning August 1, 2019, at any educational institution that does not have a policy in place that will allow an individual to attend or participate in a course of education, pending VA payment, providing the individual submits a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under Chapter 31 or 33.

Pending Payment Compliance

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679(e), Malone University adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from VA.  Malone University will not:

  • Prevent the student’s enrollment;
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;
  • Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:

  • Produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the first day of class or show the COE is in process and the veteran meets initial eligibility through documentation;
  • Provide a written request to be certified to Malone University’s VA Certifying Official;
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.


Note: The University will not release grades, transcripts, diplomas, or teaching licenses until all accounts are settled. All charges must be paid in full before graduation. All accounts must be paid in full before enrollment in another semester is permitted. Interest may be charged on any unpaid balance. The University reserves the right to use collection agencies and/or take appropriate legal action to collect any unpaid tuition and fees owed to the University. All associated collection costs will be the responsibility of the student.

Credit Refunds and Withdrawals

Actual credit balances on undergraduate student accounts will be paid no earlier than the 6th week of the semester (contingent upon all financial aid being applied to the student account in the Business Office). Withdrawal refunds are based on the official filing date(s) of the form(s) in the Office of the Registrar.

Withdrawal from a Full-Semester Course

For students officially withdrawing from a course (not the University) during Fall or Spring semester:

Tuition Refund Schedule:

  1. If originally registered for 12 to 18 hours for the semester and the withdrawal does not bring the registration below 12 semester hours:
    • No refund - The full-time block tuition rate per semester remains the same.
  2. If originally registered for less than 12 or more than 18 semester hours:
    • 100% refund (of part-time rate) prior to or during the 1st week** of the semester.
    • 75% refund (of part-time rate) during the 2nd week** of the semester.
    • 50% refund (of part-time rate) during the 3rd week** of the semester.
    • 25% refund (of part-time rate) during the 4th week** of the semester.
    • No refund after the 4th week** of the semester.
  3. If originally registered for 12 to 18 hours (full-time status) and the withdrawal brings the registration below 12 semester hours (part-time status):
  • Billing and financial aid change to part-time rates and incur refunds of the block rate to the part-time rate according to the above schedule. (e.g., if dropping from full-time to 9 semester hours during the 3rd week of the semester, a 50% refund of the difference between the block total and the hourly total would be granted)

** week is defined as ending at 4:30 p.m., Friday

Withdrawal from an Accelerated Course

(< 15-week course)unless a registration add/drop occurs prior to the start date of the semester

Tuition Refund Schedule:

  • 100% refund if 15% or less of the term has elapsed.
  • 75% refund if > 15% but < 25% of the term has elapsed.
  • 50% refund if > 25% but < 35% of the term has elapsed.
  • 25% refund if > 35% but < 45% of the term has elapsed.
  • No refund if > 45% of the term has elapsed.

Additional notes regarding tuition refunds:

  1. Fees are non-refundable unless a registration add/drop occurs prior to the start date of the semester.
  2. All course withdrawals must be filed officially through the Office of the Registrar and are subject to a $10 drop fee.
  3. Reductions in registration below full-time (less than 12 hours) will result in a reduction of financial aid according to state and federal regulations. See the Financial Aid Office BEFORE dropping to part-time status in order to determine the net change to the bill.
  4. Specific dates for any given refund period are available in the Office of the Registrar and on the Registrar’s web page.
  5. To merely stop attending a class does not constitute official withdrawal from the class. The student receives no refund unless the withdrawal is official.

Withdrawal from the Residence Halls

Students officially moving out of the Residence Halls (but not withdrawing from the University) through the Office of Student Development will receive:

Room and Board Refund Schedule:

  • 100% refund if the change to commuter status is made before the 1st day of the semester.
  • 90% refund if the student moves out during the 1st week* of the semester.
  • 75% refund if the student moves out during the 2nd week* of the semester.
  • 50% refund if the student moves out during the 3rd week* of the semester.
  • 25% refund if the student moves out during the 4th, 5th, or 6th week* of the semester.
  • No refund if the student moves out after the 6th week* of the semester.

* week is defined as ending at 4:30 p.m., Friday

See the Residence Life Section of the Student Handbook for proper procedures to be followed in moving out of the Residence Halls.

See the Financial Aid Office for reductions to the financial aid award to reflect commuter status.

Withdrawal from the University

Students officially withdrawing from the University (withdrawing from ALL courses and the Residence Halls) through the Office of the Registrar will receive:

  • 100% refund on tuition, fees, room and board changes if the withdrawal is officially filed IN WRITING before the 1st day of the semester.
  • 100% refund on tuition and 90% refund on room and board charges (NO fees refunded) if the withdrawal is officially filed IN WRITING during the 1st week* of the semester.
  • 90% refund on tuition and 75% refund on room and board charges (NO fees refunded) if the withdrawal is officially filed IN WRITING during the 2nd week* of the semester.
  • 75% refund on tuition and 50% refund on room and board charges (NO fees refunded) if the withdrawal is officially filed IN WRITING during the 3rd week* of the semester.
  • 50% refund on tuition and 25% refund on room and board charges (NO fees refunded) if the withdrawal is officially filed IN WRITING during the 4th, 5th, or 6th week* of the semester.
  • 25% refund on tuition and no refund on room and board charges or fees if the withdrawal is officially filed IN WRITING during the 7th or 8th week* of the semester.
  • No refund on tuition, fees, room and board charges for withdrawals after the 8th week* of the semester. (Note: Federal law requires a portion of financial aid to be returned to the various aid programs through the 9th week of the semester. This will result in a higher bill for most students if the withdrawal occurs in the 9th week versus the 8th week of the semester.)

* week is defined as ending at 4:30 p.m., Friday

All withdrawals from the University are charged a $100 withdrawal fee (or 5% of direct costs as determined in the financial aid calculation, whichever is less).

If a withdrawal or change in registration is necessitated due to a natural disaster, hospitalization, or sudden death in the family, the University MAY choose to refund the tuition, room, and/or board according to a calculated percentage refund. Students possessing VA active duty status or a member of the military reserve will be worked with on an individual basis in order to assure an interruption in education does not create adverse financial difficulties whenever possible. Documentation must coincide with the semester in question and must prove to be a significant disruption to the student’s ability to complete their coursework. The refund will be calculated based on the number of days attended divided by the total number of days in the semester.  A Tuition Refund Appeals Form and supporting documents must be completed and submitted within two weeks of the registration change. The form may be downloaded and printed from the Business Office webpage or may be picked up from the Business Office which is located in Founders Hall.

Students seeking to withdraw from the University must begin the process with the Office of the Registrar by completing the Notice of Withdrawal Form. This form will require the student to obtain release signatures from:

  • the Vice President for Student Development
  • the Library
  • the Director of Financial Aid
  • the Business Office
  • the Director of the Center for Student Success

The official date of withdrawal used to calculate the refund of tuition, fees, room, and board according to the above schedule, and also used to determine the return of financial aid to federal, state, and institutional sources will be:

  • the date the student contacts the Office of the Registrar to withdraw,
  • the midpoint of the semester, if no contact is made by the student,
  • the student’s last date of attendance at a documented academic activity.

Financial aid will be returned to federal sources when a student withdraws from the University according to the following Federal regulations:

During the first 60% of the semester, a student “earns” financial aid in direct proportion to the length of time he or she remains enrolled. That is, the percentage of time during the semester that a student remains enrolled is the percentage of disbursable aid earned for that semester. A student who remains enrolled beyond the 60% point earns all financial aid for that semester.

Unearned financial aid will be returned by the University to the proper sources (federal, state, or institutional). Unearned aid is the amount disbursed (posted to the student account) that exceeds the amount earned up until the point of withdrawal.

According to current federal regulations, the percentage of earned aid is determined by the number of days a student attended (before the official withdrawal) divided by the number of days in the semester. Both numbers will include weekends and any breaks in attendance less than 5 days.

If the disbursed aid is less than the earned aid, the University will post the difference. If disbursed aid is greater than the earned aid, the student must pay the difference. Any difference charged to the student (and therefore, returned to the various programs) will follow this order:

  • Unsubsidized FFEL (Stafford) loan
  • Subsidized FFEL (Stafford) loan
  • Federal Perkins loan
  • FFEL PLUS loan
  • Federal Pell grant
  • Federal SEOG grant

Financial aid will be returned to state and Malone sources according to the same percentage used to refund tuition. For example, if a student withdraws from the University and receives a 50% refund on tuition, then 50% of each state and Malone source of financial aid must also be returned to its respective program.

The University must return its share of unearned federal aid (as calculated and charged to the student account) no later than 30 days after the student’s official withdrawal date. A student must return his or her share of unearned aid (paid directly to the student from the student account) to the University within 30 days after the official withdrawal date, or according to the terms of any promissory note if the unearned aid is attributed only to a loan.

Please contact the Financial Aid Office for a calculation of the student refund and of the returns required to financial aid programs in order to determine the net effect to the student account. Students may wish to make this request before officially withdrawing from the University.