2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Development


The Office of Student Development, under the direction of the Vice President for Student Development, is responsible for the quality co-curricular experiences and works to create an environment conducive to growth and discovery in all aspects of life. There are multiple divisions within Student Development which enhance the learning environment for commuter and residential students: Counseling Center, Health Services, Office of Spiritual Formation, Student Activities and Orientation, Residence Life, and Student Senate. The Office of Student Development invites and involves students into a vibrant student-centered community which represents a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. The goal is to enhance students’ educational experience and inform their worldview as they transition to and from the University by providing essential resources, services, programs and activities necessary for student’s holistic development.

As the Department of Student Development enhances student learning and development, the hope is that students will grow and care about the following areas:

  1. Community Involvement
  2. Personal Wellness/Holistic Development
  3. Leadership
  4. Intercultural Competence
  5. Interpersonal Skills
  6. Responsibility for Civic Engagement
  7. Responsibility for Stewardship

The Student Handbook

A comprehensive handbook is located online at www.malone.edu within the Student Development page. It contains information relevant to student life such as services provided and all policies and procedures governing conduct while enrolled at Malone University. It is updated yearly and students are expected to become familiar with all information contained within. Each Malone student has access to the electronic version of the Student Handbook.


To help students and their parents become better acquainted with Malone University and smoothly make the transition to the University, a comprehensive Orientation Program is planned. During this time students meet their roommates or fellow commuter students, move into the residence halls, purchase books/supplies, and attend seminars on various aspects of university life.

Residence Life

Malone University provides two very important learning environments: curricular and co-curricular. Living in the residence halls is a vital co-curricular learning experience, emphasizing the integration of the whole person through academic, social, and spiritual interaction.

At the very heart of the living-learning program is the concept of community. Residence halls are communities where people strive to integrate what they are learning and experiencing with what they believe.

Please refer to the Student Handbook for further explanation of campus housing policies and procedures.

Board (Meal) Plans

Malone University provides three meal plans for students:

Carte blanche meal plan - Students choosing the carte blanche meal plan may enter the dining commons as many times as they desire, whenever they desire and eat as much as they desire during open hours, including late evening hours. (Please refer to the Student Handbook for hours of operation.) Students on this plan are entitled to have 5 guests (not including other enrolled students) per semester eat with them at no extra cost to the student and a limited amount of Flex Dollars is also included in this plan.

Notice: First-year Freshmen are required to take the carte blanche meal plan the entire year.

14-meal plan - Students choosing the 14-meal plan may enter the dining commons up to 14 times per meal-plan week whenever they desire, including late evening hours, and eat as much as they desire. Students on this plan are entitled to have 3 guests (not including other enrolled students) per semester eat with them at no extra cost to the student. This meal plan also includes a limited amount of Flex Dollars. Students should plan their meals carefully as only 14 meals may be eaten per meal-plan week. (A meal-plan week is defined as beginning at 7 am on Monday and concluding at 6 pm on Sunday.) If all 14 meals are not eaten in any given week they cannot be carried forward into succeeding weeks. Students who use their 14-meal allotment before Sunday evening will be required to pay cash for each meal after 14.

10-meal plan - Education majors scheduled to student teach, nursing majors involved in nursing clinical rotations, or students whose work schedules require them to miss a number of scheduled meals may petition the Office of Student Development for the 10-meal plan. Only those students with special circumstances as determined by the Vice President for Student Development or Dean of Community Life and Student Engagement will be given consideration for the 10-meal plan. Students will be notified in writing if approved for this meal plan and will be billed at a reduced rate. Students choosing the 10-meal plan may enter the dining commons up to ten times per meal-plan week including late evening hours. Students on the 10-meal plan will not receive guest passes and unused meals may not be carried forward into succeeding weeks. There are no Flex Dollars available with this plan.

Additional notes regarding meal plans:

  1. No meals will be provided under any of the three board plans during published University breaks. No additional discounts will be given to students remaining on campus during published breaks. The 10-meal plan has been discounted appropriately for these breaks.
  2. Students unable to enter the dining commons during open hours due to class conflicts may request Food Service to provide box lunches. See the Food Service Resident Director to make arrangements for this service.
  3. Parents are always welcome at Malone University and eat free when accompanied by their student who is currently enrolled in any of the above board plans. Exceptions to this policy are Family Weekend, holiday celebrations, specially catered events, and faculty/staff who are parents of students.
  4. Eco-containers: an environmentally friendly reusable to-go container is availabel for $5.00 at the cashier’s desk in the Hoover Dining Commons.

Commuter Life

Commuter Meal Plan - Commuters may select from the Residential board (meal) plans or the following option: a Block 75 meal plan which entitles entry to the dining commons up to 75 times per semester whenever desired, including late evening hours, to eat as much as desired. With the Block 75 plan, a limited amount of Flex Dollars is included; but, no guest passes are available. Another option for commuters is putting money on their student IDs. This may be done in the Business Office or in the AVI office. Purchases made using student IDs receive a 15% discount.

Commuter students are encouraged to participate in all campus-wide activities as their schedules permit.

The Commuter Lounge is located in Founders Hall near the Human Resources Office and is equipped with a refrigerator, computer and printer, lockers (locks not provided) and color TV. The lounge is a perfect location for commuter students to study or relax between classes or enjoy lunch. Occasionally, pizza is provided.


The Office of Student Development uses an holistic model for Christian student development. Student Development programming is designed to help students make wise choices for a well-balanced lifestyle. University students are in a time of transition and make important choices in a variety of areas. Student Development programming helps students reach their highest potential, function as good stewards of the resources God has given them, develop satisfying relationships, and integrate faith into all aspects of life.

Student Development programming is based upon two assumptions: 1) that students have the capacity to continuously develop and 2) that development can happen holistically or in all dimensions of one’s life.

Student Government

Student organizations are guided by the Student Senate comprised of representatives from the four classes and an executive committee elected by the student body and/or appointed through a steering committee. The Senate represents the students to administration and faculty. Working through committees, the Senate plays a significant role in shaping the total academic, spiritual, and social life of the Malone community.

Student Senate is responsible for the budget generated from the student comprehensive fees. Senate allocates funds to many different student organizations which promote Malone as a vibrant Christian community. There are over 50 different student organizations represented on campus.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center, which is located on the third level of the Randall Campus Center (The Barn), provides no-cost comprehensive counseling services to currently enrolled Malone University students. The full-time Counseling Center staff member is a state-licensed professional clinical counselor. Counseling Center intern staff members are also available. They are specially trained to assist students who seek help for relationship concerns, personal issues, stress management, and related topics. The staff is sensitive to the integration of biblical truths in the counseling process. The Counseling Center aims to address concerns in a holistic manner taking into consideration not only the students’ emotional and mental health but also their physical health and spiritual well-being.

The Center is open Monday through Friday during the academic year and closed during scheduled breaks, holidays and during the summer months. Staff hours are by appointment. For more information regarding available counseling services or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Counseling Center at extension 8711.

Health Services

The Student Health Center, located on the first floor of Whittier Hall, provides free basic medical service for all students currently registered for a minimum of eight credit hours. The Center is open Monday through Friday during the academic year and closed during scheduled breaks, holidays, and over the summer. A registered nurse and nurse practitioner staff the Center. A nurse is available during Center hours. A physician visits the Center at certain designated hours as needed with appointments scheduled following assessment by a nurse. Services offered at the Center include:

  • Urgent care for wounds and injuries
  • First aid measures
  • OTC medication
  • Limited prescription medication
  • Specialist referrals
  • Flu shots
  • TB skin testing
  • Lab and X-ray per physician order
  • Weight monitoring
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Urine testing
  • Throat cultures
  • Sick trays
  • Limited medical equipment for short-term use
  • Health promotion and disease prevention information

For more information regarding health concerns, please contact the Student Health Center at ext. 8340.

Spiritual Formation

The mission of the Office of Spiritual Formation is to contribute to students’ spiritual formation by building them up to know, love and serve Jesus Christ. Spiritual formation, as defined by the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), “is integral to Christian higher education–it is the biblically guided process in which people are being transformed into the likeness of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit within the faith community in order to love and serve God and others.” We provide Christian faith development opportunities for individuals and groups in a variety of campus contexts that teach students how to develop a worldview rooted in Scripture and how to actively grow in their relationship with God.

The Office of Spiritual Formation offers many different types of Spiritual Formation Opportunities (SFOs) that will allow and encourage students to grow closer to Christ. All full-time traditional undergraduate students participate by attending at least 15 Spiritual Formation opportunities each semester.