2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Educational Options and Enhancements

The following are options or enhancements to a regular academic program. Some are courses which may be taken for academic credit applicable toward a degree. Others provide college-level instruction for personal and cultural enrichment or for personal development. The format includes, but is not limited to, regular length courses, short courses, workshops, institutes, and special lectures and symposia.


Malone offers a variety of intercollegiate sports for men and women which provides a valuable educational experience. These athletic experiences represent models of life in which the participant may practice and learn Christian principles.

Malone is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA Div. II) and the National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA Div. I).

Men’s Varsity Sports: Women’s Varsity Sports:
Baseball Basketball
Basketball Cross Country
Cross Country Golf
Football Soccer
Golf Softball
Soccer Swimming/Diving
Swimming/Diving Track (Indoor/Outdoor)
Track (Indoor/Outdoor) Volleyball

Cooperative Education

By engaging in Cooperative Education, students may acquire valuable on-the-job experience to complement classroom theory, possibly receive payment for work experience, and acquire necessary credit hours to satisfy elective credit or qualify for Management Studies programs. These courses are offered exclusively online for students who do not have other forms of experiential learning available through their academic majors. Co-op supervisors provide assistance with making contacts for possible Co-op sites, evaluation, record keeping, on-the-job mentoring, and grading of Co-op assignments. Cooperative Education hours are graded as credit/no credit and generally apply toward elective hours, not hours in the major. There are no additional charges above the normal tuition rate for enrolling in Co-op credit hours.

Students who are pursuing traditional undergraduate programs of study are advised to limit their co-op credits to 9 credit hours (1-3 credits per semester/term) but are eligible for a maximum of 15 credit hours. They should apply through the Director of Alumni Career Services and will be supervised during the Co-op experience(s) by the Director of Alumni Career Services. Students may be eligible to enroll in Co-op as early as their sophomore year. However, some employers may require specific course work to be completed, with evidence of good academic standing, in order to qualify for certain Co-op positions.

Credit for Prior Learning

Malone University recognizes that not all post-secondary learning takes place in the classroom. For non-traditional learners there are two types of prior learning that may be awarded college credit: 1) learning through corporate professional and technical training, military or non-military; 2) life learning through work, home, community and other environments. Malone University credits awarded for prior learning must be related to the student’s educational and/or vocational objective; that is, the credit granted must apply to major, general education, or elective requirements in the student’s proposed program at Malone.

  1. Professional Credits: Malone University accepts credits earned through corporate, professional and technical training programs, military and non-military, either as evaluated and approved by the Malone University faculty or as recommended in the ACE guide, New York Regents Guide, military guides, and other guides recognized by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL). Such credits will appear as transfer credits on the transcript. Malone reserves the right to set standards which may be higher than those recommended by ACE, CLEP or other such agencies.
  2. Life Learning Credits: Malone University sometimes awards credit for college-level learning achieved through work or community volunteer experience, travel, hobbies, etc.

Students desiring such credit must:

  1. have had at least five years of significant life learning experiences, and
  2. successfully complete the three-semester-hour course: Portfolio Development ( ).

Malone University subscribes to the guidelines established by CAEL for the evaluation of life learning and will allow no more than 30 semester credits (including GEN 111) to count toward graduation.

Malone University will evaluate life learning and award credit in subject matter fields in which it has available competence among its faculty. Normally, credit will be awarded only in subject fields in which it offers comparable courses or curricula; however, elective credit in Field Study or Special Interest areas may be appropriately accepted.

Honor Societies

Alpha Psi Omega was organized as a theatre honor society for the purpose of providing acknowledgement to those college and university students demonstrating a high standard of accomplishment in theatre, and through the expansion of Alpha Psi Omega among colleges and universities, providing a wider fellowship for those interested in theatre. Students can qualify for membership in this society through participation in the Malone University Theatre.

Alpha Sigma Lambda is a national honor society for nontraditional adult students. It recognizes the special achievements of adults who accomplish academic excellence while facing competing interests of home and work. Mu Upsilon is the Malone University chapter. Student criteria include a GPA of 3.5 or higher and a ranking in the top 10% of all eligible adult students in the Malone Management Program.

Eta Sigma Gamma is the national professional health education honorary for professionals in community health education and school health education in the United States and in other nations. The ideals of the honorary are teaching, research and service. Students are eligible for membership by invitation and are required to have a major or minor in community health education or a major in school health education and achieve a 2.75 GPA or higher.

Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society in education. The Malone University chapter, Rho Tau, is over ten years old. Students seeking degrees with an intent to teach are eligible for invitation to membership after completing 45 credit hours, including 12 in education coursework, and achieving a 3.0 GPA or higher.

Lambda Pi Eta is a national honor society in communication. Members must have completed 60 semester hours, at least 12 of which must be in communication with a minimum overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a minimum GPA in communication courses of 3.25. Students in the Malone University chapter, Sigma Alpha, have opportunities to become involved in regional and national communication associations and sponsor communication activities for the University community.

Phi Alpha is a social work honor society whose purpose is to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideals. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work. The Malone University Chapter, Pi Eta, participates in activities in conjunction with the Social Work Student Organization and other activities when available. Membership criteria include achievement of sophomore status, a 3.0 overall cumulative GPA, and a minimum GPA of 3.25 in 8 semester hours of required social work courses. See www.phialpha.org or www.malone.edu/socialwork for more information.

Pi Sigma Alpha is a national political science honor society. Members must be juniors or seniors with a minimum 3.0 overall GPA, ranking in the top third of their graduating class, and having completed at least three political science courses, one of which must be at the 300 level or above. Each member must carry a 3.0 GPA or higher in political science courses. The Malone University chapter, Alpha Alpha Omicron, may participate in activities in conjunction with other College/University chapters of the organization.

Sigma Delta Mu is a national Spanish honor society which adheres to the principles of 1) recognizing students interested in the Spanish language and culture, 2) recognizing excellence in the study of the Spanish language and 3) providing a forum for Spanish related issues. Beta chapter of Ohio is the Malone University chapter. Students may apply after one completed Spanish course, any level, with a grade of “B” or higher.

Sigma Tau Delta is a national honor society in English. Members must have a minimum of two college courses in English language or literature, must have a B average in English, must maintain a B average in overall GPA, and must have completed at least three semesters of college course work. Members of the Malone University chapter, Alpha Rho Iota, participate in service projects and social events.

Sigma Theta Tau, International is the only honor society for nursing. STTI exists to create a global community of nurse leaders and scholars. Individually and collectively these individuals shape the health of citizens through their practices, research, and education of self and others. They influence global health by caring for patients and families, and by collaborating with colleagues in other disciplines in decision making and policy development. Pi Chi is the chapter at Malone University. Student criteria includes a GPA of 3.0 for undergraduate students (3.5 for graduate students), and a ranking in the top 35 percent of the graduating class.

Sigma Zeta is a national honor society for science and mathematics. The purpose is two-fold: 1) to encourage and foster and 2) recognize and honor scholarly achievements in the natural sciences, computer sciences, and mathematics. Sigma Zeta members are encouraged to conduct research and present at the national meeting. Alpha Gamma is the Malone University chapter. Students can qualify for membership after completion of 15 semester hours in science, computer science or math with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Honors Program

The purpose of the Malone University Honors Program is to support the University’s intellectually gifted and highly motivated students, to create a community of students and faculty engaged in serious, substantive, and sustained critical inquiry, and to underscore the University’s commitment to academic excellence.

The honors program fulfills this purpose by challenging students to fulfill their intellectual and personal potential through enriched and stimulating experiences; by cultivating an esprit de corps, committed to an earnest, cooperative, free, and open pursuit of truth; by developing students’ understanding of the unity of knowledge and the interrelationship of the academic disciplines; by providing students the occasion for mentoring relationships with faculty; by preparing students for the pursuit of original and advanced research, scholarship, and performance; and by equipping students for outstanding leadership in service to God, their communities, and the world.

Honors program participants complete designated honors sections of general education courses, honors seminars, and an honors project. Admission is highly competitive and based on a limited number of openings each year. Further information about this program is available from the Director of the Honors Program. Please see Course Descriptions  for Honors Program course descriptions.

Independent Study

Advanced Topics

Any junior or senior needing advanced study in order to facilitate a program projection, such as completing graduation requirements, may obtain forms in the Office of the Registrar and prepare a proposal, with a willing faculty member, to be submitted to the Dean and Department Chair for permission to register under Advanced Topics 450.

  • The proposal must include a clear and compelling rationale as to why the Independent Study is being proposed, and the number of hours of the offering. A syllabus which includes course description, learning objectives, required readings, projects or other assignments, and means of evaluation must be offered in support of the proposal.
  • The Independent Study must fall within the scope of the discipline under which it is being proposed.
  • The Dean and Department Chair will consider the validity of need, the inability to substitute an existing course, and the student’s ability and willingness to meet the demands of independent study.

Special Topics

Any student requiring additional work in a given area may obtain a contract form in the Office of the Registrar, prepare the contract with a willing faculty member, and see the Dean/Department Chair for permission to register under Special Topics 250. A syllabus which includes course description, learning objectives, required readings, projects or other assignments, and means of evaluation must be offered in support of the proposal.

Pre-Professional Programs

For students interested in professional study, Malone offers several pre-professional programs. They are each listed below with a reference to the section of this catalog where additional information is available. Careful consultation with an academic adviser is necessary in order to ensure that degree requirements at Malone are still being met (when applicable) while determining a course of study that is appropriate to the student’s interests.

  1. Pre-Dental (Natural Sciences)
  2. Law School Preparation (History, Philosophy, and Social Sciences)
  3. Pre-Medicine (Natural Sciences)
  4. Pre-Physical Therapy (Natural Sciences)
  5. Pre-Veterinary (Natural Sciences)


The Director of Enactus position, established by Malone University and housed in the School of Business, is housed in the Department of Business. Malone’s program is a member of the International Organization known as Enactus. Enactus teams exist on over 1700 college and university campuses in 39 countries.

The main purpose of the Malone Enactus is for students to learn about “entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better and more sustainable world” (www.enactus.org). Enactus team members participate in activities that teach these ideas to others and contribute to the community. Participation in Enactus is also open to students with majors outside the School of Business and to students who are not able to fit Entreprenuership and the American Enterprise System (

 ) into their schedules.

Summer Sessions

Two 5-week sessions and one 4-week session are held each year from May-August. Students may enroll for up to 6 semester hours in each session (7 if one of the courses is a 4-hour lab science course). A summer class schedule is published each year in February.