2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Global and Off-Campus Programs

Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies (Science)

Malone participates in the Environmental Studies extension program available through Au Sable Institute in four different locations:

  1. AS-Great Lakes in the Great Lakes Forest, Michigan;
  2. AS-Pacific Rim on Puget Sound, Washington;
  3. AS-India in Tamil Nadu, South India; and
  4. AS-Costa Rica in Vara Blanca region.

Courses are offered primarily during the summer at the Great Lakes and Pacific Rim locations. A J-term course is offered in India and a May-term course is offered in Costa Rica. Interested students should contact the Chair of the Department of Natural Sciences. Complete course descriptions for available courses can be found in the Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies Official Bulletin. Additional information is available at www.ausable.org. Enrollment in any of the Au Sable courses is by permission of the Chair of the Department of Natural Sciences.

Bliss Institute Internship

The Bliss Institute Internship offered by the Department of History, Philosophy, and Social Sciences in partnership with The University of Akron’s Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics (www.uakron.edu/bliss/) is designed to enhance and further educational opportunities available to eligible students. Such internships afford Malone students the opportunity to experience practical politics first hand. The objective of this program is to provide a flexible and responsive learning environment where students are able to interact with political career professionals and apply classroom theory and technique to actual workplace settings. Information about the program is available in the Office of the Department of History, Philosophy, and Social Sciences.

Consortium Visitor Program

The Christian College Consortium Visitor Program is designed to give the student an opportunity to take advantage of course offerings and varied experiences on other Christian college and university campuses for an academic semester while maintaining regular standing at Malone. Information is available from the Center for Cross-Cultural Engagement.

Focus Leadership Institute

Located at Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs, the leadership institute is undergoing major re-structuring in response to student preference for the summer program. Effective Fall 2013, the fall and spring semester terms for the undergraduate residential program have been suspended. Beginning Summer 2014, summers will be packed with new programming, high intensity leadership courses, and experiences that distinguish the term from anything else. The 8-week summer semester will be composed of a lecture series presented by notable Christian culture leaders, comprehensive internships, and international travel. More information is available at www.focusleadership.org.

Opportunities to Student Teach Overseas

An overseas student teaching experience isn’t a dream but a reality! Malone is a member institution of the Christian College Teacher Education Coordinating Council (CCTECC) program which enables candidates from member colleges to do their student teaching at overseas schools. Each candidate approved by the Malone Teacher Education committee is placed by CCTECC, a body of Interaction International. Candidates MUST plan early and meet with the Director of Field and Clinical Experiences and the Director of the Center for Cross-Cultural Engagement well in advance of the clinical semester. (Applications are due to CCTECC a full year before the student teaching experience.) Pleacements are made for half of the traditional clinical/student teaching semester with the other portion completed in Ohio. Additional fees are required to cover placement and an orientation to teaching abroad. More information is available at www.interactionintl.org/cctecc.asp

Off-Campus Semester Programs Sponsored by the CCCU

The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) offers the following programs to students of its member institutions. These diverse off-campus study programs are available to juniors and seniors with a minimum gpa of 2.75. For further information regarding academic requirements, financial arrangements, and schedule planning, contact the Center for Cross-Cultural Engagement. Also visit www.bestsemester.com.

American Studies Program (ASP)
ASP uses Washington, D.C., as a stimulating educational laboratory where collegians gain hands-on experience with internships in their chosen fields. Internships are tailored to fit the students’ talents and aspirations and are available in a wide range of fields. They also explore pressing national and international issues in public policy seminars which are issue-oriented, interdisciplinary, and led by ASP faculty and Washington professionals. ASP bridges classroom and marketplace, combining biblical reflection, policy analysis, and real world experience.

Australia Studies Centre (ASC)
The Australia Studies Centre is designed to provide undergraduates of all majors and career interests with opportunities to participate in Sydney’s art culture*. It also educates students in indigenous affairs and Australia’s role as a global economic power. From art and ministry to drama and dance, students attending ASC have every opportunity to pursue their passions and interests with other Christians from around North America and the world even as they compare and contrast the Australia of myths and movies with the realities of everyday life. Students participate in service projects and live in homes with local Christian families to help them encounter the Australia that tourists never see. Throughout this process, ASC students engage Australia’s indigenous people and learn about the challenges that exist for those who are not part of “white Australia.” *Note: beginning Spring 2014, ASC will be based in Brisbane rather than Sydney.

China Studies Program (CSP)
The China Studies Program enables students to engage this ancient and intriguing country from the inside. While living in and experiencing Chinese civilization firsthand, students participate in seminar courses on the historical, cultural, religious, geographic, and economic realities of this strategic and populous nation. In addition to the study of standard Chinese language, students are given opportunities such as assisting Chinese students learning English or working in orphanages, allowing for one-on-one interactions. Students choose between completing a broad Chinese Studies Concentration or a Business Concentration that includes a three-week, full-time internship. The program introduces students to the diversity of China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an, and Xiamen. This interdisciplinary, cross-cultural program enables students to deal with this increasingly important part of the world in an informed, Christ-centered way.

Contemporary Music Center (CMC)
The Contemporary Music Center provides students the opportunity to live and work in community while seeking to understand how God will have them integrate music, faith, and business. Both interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in nature, the CMC offers three tracks: the Artist Track, the Business Track, and the Technical Track. The Artist Track is tailored to students considering careers as vocalists, musicians, songwriters, recording artists, performers, producers, and recording engineers. The Business Track is designed for business, arts management, marketing, communications, and other majors interested in possible careers as artist managers, agents, record company executives, music publishers, concert promoters, and entertainment industry entrepreneurs. The Technical Track prepares students for careers in live sound, concert lighting, and studio recording. All students (regardless of track) receive instruction, experience, and a uniquely Christian perspective on creativity and the marketplace, while working together to create and market a recording of original music. All tracks include course work, labs, directed study, and a practicum.

India Studies Program (ISP)
The India Studies Program gives students the opportunity to experience “Unity in Diversity,” the hallmark of the nation of India. There are 28 states and 7 union territories, 22 officially recognized languages and numerous dialects, about 9 religions and nearly 2000 ethnic groups across India. ISP is structured to provide students with both immersion in a local community and broad exposure to a variety of peoples, places, and customs in India including an extensive two-week travel portion of the program to provide students a close-up look at India’s diversity. The program is located at the Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Sciences, which is in the city of Coimbatore in the state of Tamil Nadu near the southern tip of India. Students will have opportunities to explore a variety of issues - poverty, social justice, rapid social change, religious pluralism - through the eyes and experience of Indian Christians. Students will also have the opportunity to take courses in their major areas with Indian students and professors. ISP students live near the Bishop Appasamy campus in a housing unit for international students that provides reasonable comfort and privacy, safety and security, as well as easy access to laundry and cooking facilities.

Latin American Studies Program (LASP)
Students have the opportunity to live and learn in Latin America through the Latin American Studies Program, based in San Jose, Costa Rica. The program introduces students to a wide range of experiences through the study of the language, literature, culture, politics, history, economics, ecology, and religion of the region. Living with Costa Rican families, students experience and become part of the day-to-day lives of typical Latin Americans. Students also take part in service opportunities and travel for three weeks to nearby Central American nations. Students participate in one of four concentrations: Latin American Studies (offered both fall and spring terms); Advanced Language and Literature (designed for Spanish majors and offered both fall and spring terms); International Business: Management and Marketing (offered only in fall terms); and Environmental Science (offered only during spring terms).

Los Angeles Film Studies Center (LAFS)
The Los Angeles Film Studies Center is designed to train students to serve in various aspects of the film industry with both professional skill and Christian integrity. Each semester, students live, learn, and work in L.A. The curriculum consists of two required seminars focusing on the role of film in culture and the relationship of faith to work in this very influential industry. In addition, students choose one elective course from a variety of offerings in film studies. Internships in various segments of the film industry provide students with hands-on experience. The combination of the internship and seminars allows students to explore the film industry within a Christian context and from a liberal arts perspective.

Middle East Studies Program (MESP)
This program, based in Jerusalem, Israel, allows students to explore and interact with the complex and strategic world of the modern Middle East. The interdisciplinary seminars give students the opportunity to explore the diverse religious, social, cultural, and political traditions of Middle Eastern peoples. Students also study the Arabic language and work as volunteers with various organizations. Through possible travel to Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Turkey, students are exposed to the diversity and dynamism of the region. At a time of tension and change in the Middle East, MESP encourages and equips students to relate to the Muslim world in an informed, constructive, and Christ-centered manner.

The Scholars’ Semester in Oxford (SSO)
The Scholars’ Semester in Oxford allows honors and other highly qualified students to do intensive scholarship in this historic seat of learning as members of Wycliffe Hall and Visiting Students of Oxford University. Participants work with academic tutors to hone skills, delve into the areas of interest, and broaden thinking by living and learning in this major crossroads of the academic world. Concentrations are available in Classics, English & Literature, Theology & Religious Studies, Philosophy, and History. Because of the intense academic envirionment of this program, students must have a 3.5 or higher gpa.

  • Oxford Summer Program (OSP)
    The Oxford Summer Programme is a shorter, summer version of the Scholars’ Semester in Oxford. Affiliated with Wycliffe Hall, students participate in a lectured series, three course-related field trips and two different seminars. Students are also involved in a set number of tutorials and two essay topics. A GPA of 2.9 is required for this program.

Uganda Studies Program (USP)
The Uganda Studies Program offers students a personal encounter with this African success story which has become an economic and public health model in its region. Uganda Christian University (UCU) serves as the base of study for students in the USP. Courses taught by local faculty in the English tutorial tradition will immerse students in a uniquely African education. Students will be afforded many insights into African life because of the guidance of faculty who live in and love Uganda and East Africa. Home stays, travel, service learning, and daily interaction with College students form the backbone of the USP experience. In addition to the core experiential course, students will choose from an approved selection of courses from the UCU College.

Washington Journalism Center (WJC)
The Washington Journalism Center is a semester-long study program in Washington, D.C., created for students interested in the field of journalism. While in Washington students will take classes focusing on the history and future of the media and how it relates to the public as well as to their personal writing skills. These classes combined with an internship at a top news publication will help students learn to integrate their faith in a journalism career. Students will also participate in service-learning opportunities.

Off-Campus Semester Programs Sponsored by the BCA

BCA (Brethren Colleges Abroad) offers the following programs to junior and senior students. Grade point average requirement varies with each program from 2.7 to 3.0. For information regarding requirements, costs, and schedules, visit www.bcaabroad.org. Also contact the Center for Cross-Cultural Engagement. Classes in the BCA program are taken in a local university with a wide variety of options. Following are general explanations of the available programs.

Vienna, Austria
Living with local students in dormitories, students will study at the prestigious IKI Wien Language School. They will have the opportunity to learn to speak and write German while living in one of the historical, intellectual, and political centers of Europe. Coursework includes learning about Vienna as the crossroads of Europe, exploring the human condition as well as German. Students will have opportunities to explore world-class museums, theaters as well as the local coffee houses and foods. An independent study is part of the program.

Brussels, Belgium
Students live with host families in Belgium’s capital city, home to the European Union headquarters. This presents numerous opportunities for cultural immersion with and international influence. Available courses include art history, communications, economics, history, management, and political science. Internships are available providing international work experience.

Dalian, China
Dalian, a seaside city, is a, “thriving metropolis of more that 23 million and one of China’s emerging centers of business.” The Dalian semester is in an area of China not saturated with Americans or American programs. It is a great location for learning Chinese language, political science, history, Asian studies, and business.

Shanghai, China
With studies at Fudan University’s main campus and courses in economics, history, journalism, political science, and sociology, this program is good for students in Asian studies, urban affairs, globalization, communication studies, media and journalism, business, Chinese language, history, politics, sociology, economics, and liberal arts. Students stay in international housing on campus and have easy access to the city. Internships are available.

Quito, Ecuador
The semester in Ecuador gives students a great opportunity for learning about life in a developing nation. Living with Ecuadorian families along with a variety of volunteer/service placements allows for great cultural interaction. Travel opportunities include the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon Jungle. A wide variety of courses is offered at San Francisco Quito, a private, American-style university. Instruction is in Spanish.

Cheltenham, England
BCA England is at the University of Gloucestershire which provides an opportunity to study a wide variety of majors alongside English students. Opportunities exist for a mix of cultural, social, and academic activities during the semester. The program is great for majors in business, marketing, economics, science, environment, theology, humanities, sports, and sports medicine among others.

Marburg, Germany
The semester begins with one to three months of learning German followed by other studies. The semester in Germany is great for German, humanities, political science, theology, psychology, English cultural studies, and peace and conflict studies. The location is excellent for exploring the rest of Europe. Courses are taught in both German and English.

Athens, Greece
The semester in Athens is great for a wide variety of majors. The first three weeks include a comprehensive orientation program that acquaints students with Athens and includes excursions to other parts of the country. The time at City University is in a world-class educational community in a beautiful campus setting. An independent study is available.

Chennai, India
This semester allows students to experience the flavors, people, and traditions of India while studying at Madras Christian College where they may choose courses from a number of majors including social work, political science, and history. Included are opportunities to travel to amazing sites such as the Taj Mahal and Agra. Some field placement options are available.

Dublin - Derry, Ireland
Great for peace and conflict studies, Irish studies, medieval Irish and Celtic studies, law, anthropology, history, applied social studies, and European studies. The program offers a unique opportunity to explore a concrete peace process. Students will spend part of their time in each location studying via lectures and discussions as well as significant field experience with community members. An independent study project is part of the curriculum.

Rome, Italy
This is a great location for studying the country and the culture. In addition to learning conversational Italian there are options for studying the geography of the country; Italian history; communications; visual skills in viewing art; Italian behavior and society; Italian institutions and art, archeology, and architecture. An independent project is part of the program. All of this takes place in a city that, “boasts a large impact on western civilization that no other city can match.”

Sapporo, Japan
The Japanese semester is great for Japanese language, philosophy, and religious studies majors. Students live with Japanese host families, which provides opportunities to improve proficiency in Japanese, learn about Japanese culture, and create a network of friends. The Hokusei Gakuen University “has worked with BCA since 1988 to provide the best cultural immersion experience for students interested in learning more about Japanese language and culture.” Courses are taught in both Japanese and English.

Xalapa, Mexico
This is a great location for Spanish, archeology, anthropology, sociology, history, art, and political science majors. Experience the rich cultural heritage of a safe, thriving capital city with easy access to museums, musical, and other cultural events. BCA has access to Universidad Veracuzana, a large, comprehensive university offering dozens of academic programs.

Tetouan, Morocco
This is a 2-3 week summer program for learning Arabic and local culture. It includes volunteering in a local association or community organization.

Amsterdam/The Hague, Netherlands
This is a three-week summer program that focuses on human rights, urban diversity, and global governance.

Dunedin, New Zealand
Students attend the University of Otago, New Zealand’s oldest and most prestigious university. They may opt to live in university housing or with host families. Courses include a wide variety of subjects such as social sciences, business, education, humanities, and natural sciences. Learn about the language, culture, and struggles of New Zealand’s indigenous people at the Te Temu School of Maori and Pacific Island Studies.

Ramallah, Palestine
Hosted at Bizreit University, this program focuses on Palestinian society and cultures in the Middle East. The primary attention is to relationships with surrounding countries both from an historical and contemporary perspective. Because of the topic, students need to have some previous studies completed in this area.

Barcelona, Spain
This location is great for political science, history, art history, international relations, business, marketing, and psychology majors. The University of Barcelona offers a wide range of courses from 100 departments. Students experience the culture first-hand by living with local families. A five-day orientation includes touring the city, university campus, and facilities, as well as individual and group advising sessions. Participation in a three-week, intensive Spanish language and culture course that includes a multi-day art and history trip to the region of Castilla-Leon (fall) or to Andalucia (spring) provides excellent preparation for this semester/year abroad program. Courses are taught in Spanish.

Valladolid, Spain
Numerous courses are available at Universitas Castellae, which specializes in teaching the Spanish language along with literature, art, history, culture and sociology. Students live with Spanish families for a full immersion experience. Educational excursions are to various regions of Spain throughout the semester. Courses are taught in Spanish.

Additional Off-Campus Study Programs

In partnership with University College Lillebaelt, Malone University has established a student exchange system for majors in nursing, social work, and education. Nursing students can complete their cultural nursing credit during a three-week visit to Denmark in May of each year. Danish nursing students visit Malone in the fall of each year for three weeks. Social work students from Malone can do their internships in Denmark and education students can do their student teaching in Denmark. Students will live in apartments while studying at the Odense campus. This is a community and country with a rich heritage. All instruction is in English. For more information about Lillebaelt go to http://international.ucl.dk/.

International Business Institute (IBI)
The International Business Institute is a cooperative overseas program in international economics and business management. IBI is designed to give students a distinctive opportunity for a term of study that incorporates the international dimension of these fields in an experiential context overseas. The program is ten weeks in length and includes periods of residence in key locations as well as coordinated visits and presentation in the major political and economic centers of Russia, The European Union, India, and China. Prerequisites for the program include a minimum GPA of 2.75, micro and macroeconomics, a semester of accounting or finance, management principles, and marketing. The courses in the program include Comparative Economic Systems, International Trade and Finance, Global Marketing, and Global Business Strategy. At Malone these courses would be accepted as two upper-level business electives, International Business and Strategic Management. See the Director of the Center for Cross-Cultural Engagement for more information. Also explore www.messiah.edu/departments/business/ibi/.

Romanian Studies Program (RSP)
The Romanian Studies Program is a semester abroad opportunity in Sighisoara, Romania, a town rich in medieval history in the heart of Transylvania. Through living with host families and working alongside local Romanians, students are immersed in a culturally diverse society transitioning from a communist system to a European Union democracy. While taking academic courses, students also participate in hands-on service learning, missions and internship experiences reaching out to people in need, through the ministries of Veritas and local churches. Students’ service experiences are specialized according to the students’ interests and programs of study, including opportunities to work with at-risk children, youth, families, people with disabilities, and older adults. Study opportunities are available each fall, spring, and summer semester. For more information visit www.romanianstudiesprogram.org and contact Elizabeth Patterson, Associate Professor of Social Work. Students can earn up to 18 hours of credit.
Romanian Language and Culture (4,6,8)
Cross-Cultural Service learning (4,6,8)
Introduction to Romanian Literature (3)
Introduction to Environmental Science (4)
International Health (4)
Western Civilization (3)
Internships, practicum experience and directed studies are available

Semester in Austria - Salzburg College
Considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, Salzburg is in the northwest corner of Austria nestled in the mountains. Among other options Salzburg offers coursework in European Studies, Communication/Business Studies, Music, and Art. Students live with host families and have options for excursions, guest lectures, concerts, museum tours, and visits of historical sites. Students can also get involved in Austrian cooking, hiking, baking, rafting, and skiing. There are also field trips to Vienna and Bavaria. For more information visit www.salzburgcollege.com.

Semester in Italy - Gordon College
Located in Orvieto, Italy, this program, “offers a rich experience in the arts and culture of pre-modern Europe.” “Students take a drawing-based interdisciplinary course that introduces the themes of the program, and then select three of six courses offered in the visual arts and humanities, for 16 academic credits in total. Students without previous study of Italian language take an additional 2-credit course in conversational Italian.” The program includes numerous excursions throughout Italy. This is an excellent opportunity for art and writing majors and for students working on general education requirements. For more information go to www.gordon.edu/inorvieto.

Semester in Kenya - Daystar University
Malone University juniors and seniors have the opportunity to join African students who are pursuing B.A. and M.A. degrees at Daystar University in Nairobi, Kenya (www.daystar.ac.ke/), the largest Christian liberal arts university in Africa. Students immerse themselves in African culture while receiving instruction in English from African nationals. Programs of study include communications, business administration and management, accounting, English, marketing, education, community development, Bible, and Christian ministries. Academic studies, co-curricular activities, travel, and worship experiences provide exposure to the stark contrasts in the lives of Kenyans, and the opportunity to develop a personal philosophy concerning self-needs and the needs of others. Information about this program is available from the Center for Cross-Cultural Engagement.

Semester in Lithuania - LCC International University
Located in Klaipeda, Lithuania, LCC is a full-service university with degrees in Business Administration, English Language and Literature, Psychology, and Theology. The student body at LCC is 50% Lithuania and 50% international so students live in a residence community of international students from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the US while pursuing their studies. Student life includes trips to different parts of Europe during the semester. It is an excellent opportunity for growing cross-cultural skills while continuing studies in major and minor programs. All coursework is taught in English. For more information visit www.lcc.lt/.

Semester in Rome - Geneva College
Rome, the “Eternal City,” is seen as a place of foundations for Christianity, history, the arts, philosophy and literature. It is an excellent location for studying the humanities. A semester in Rome gives students the opportunity to explore some of the world’s finest museums, art galleries, churches and historical sites. This is supported by field trips to the Borghese Gallery, the Colosseum, Palatine Hill, the Forum, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museum, the Ostia Antica, the Capitoline Museum, Santa Maria Maggiore and many other churches throughout Rome. There will also be trips to operas and concerts as well as excursions to Pompeii, Florence, Venice and more. Students live in a villa located in a neighborhood that includes embassies and churches and is a short walk from what was once Benito Mussolini’s villa, now a park. Inside the walls, the villa is surrounded by palm trees and well-maintained gardens. Visit the program web site at www.geneva.edu/rome.
Humanities Core (HUM 300) (9) 
Italian Language and Culture (3)
Book Discussion (text will vary) (1)
Professor’s Specialty (3)

Semester in Spain - Trinity Christian College
Located in Seville, Spain, the focus of the program is Spanish immersion. Classes are held at Acento de Trinity, located in the heart of Seville. Faculty members are all native Spaniards and hold advanced degrees in their subject areas. The program includes excursions to Córdoba, La Mancha, Toledo, Ronda, the small pueblos outside Seville, Roman ruins at Italica, guided tours of Seville and more. Trinity is committed to helping maximize learning in Spain through a full spectrum of social, educational, and spiritual enrichment opportunities. Not only do students take courses in Spain, they also participate and exercise leadership in numerous student activities such as Encuentro (a weekly Bible study), praise team, community service, sporting events, arts and crafts, bingo nights at the senior center, tapas dinners, flamenco dance classes, and more. The staff also plans events that foster fellowship. For more information visit semesterinspain.org.