2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Jan 20, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Community Responsibilities

The Malone Community

Malone is more than just an organization; it is a community of persons which includes administrators, faculty, support staff, and all students enrolled in any of the classes offered by the University on its campus.

We recognize that our students represent a wide range of backgrounds, attitudes, needs, and goals. Therefore, as a distinctively Christian university in the liberal arts tradition, Malone views each person as an individual with certain responsibilities to the University community.

These responsibilities are based upon three assumptions to which we are firmly committed.

First, individuals are Christian by virtue of the grace of God (Ephesians 2:8,9) and their commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord.

Second, while Christians have a sincere desire to mature both in insight and behavior, we recognize that there exist levels of maturity in a Christian academic community such as Malone.

Third, some students who choose Malone may not agree with some of these stated community responsibilities. However, since all students are part of the community, all are expected to act responsibly toward the community.

If the conduct of any member of the Malone community is found to be detrimental either to his/her own personal development or to that of other members of the community, we will seek to aid that member. However, if that member shows serious or continued violation of responsibility, the University will dismiss that member from the community.

Malone strives to help its students develop into mature Christian men and women who are equipped to meet all of life head-on. While we seek to strengthen each member of the community, we realize that not all, whether Christian or not, can fit into the Malone community. For those who cannot, there are educational opportunities elsewhere. For those who can, the opportunity here can be of unlimited value.

General Principles

While we realize that it is impossible to create an academic community whose behavioral norms will be acceptable to every person, we believe that it is important to formulate certain behavioral expectations so that the objectives of Malone University can be met.

It is therefore assumed that an individual who has voluntarily chosen to join the Malone community will strive to exhibit the following modes of behavior characteristic of a mature person.

Malone students will:

  1. seek to develop as whole persons by growing academically, physically, socially, and spiritually.
  2. pursue excellence in their work and study, will use resources and will take advantage of enriching opportunities with diligence and perseverance.
  3. continually assess their growth and will strive for positive change within the community.
  4. be free to consider the broad range of human opinion and ideas without engaging in the whole range of human behavior.
  5. assume responsibility for their behavior and its effect on other persons.
  6. be concerned about the welfare of other persons within the community and the welfare of the community as a whole.
  7. realize they are part of a community with a strong Christian tradition and they must respect that tradition while exercising freedom to review and evaluate it.

Biblical Principles

Malone University recognizes that biblical principles are the standard for individual behavior and community life.

  1. We are commanded to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37).
    1. A person enters into relationship with God through a personal commitment to His Son Jesus Christ (John 14:6, I Timothy 2:5).
    2. Life within a Christian community must be lived to the glory of God in all things (I Corinthians 10:31).
    3. Love for and accountability to God are the primary motivation for Christian conduct. The forgiving character of His love and grace provides the model for forgiveness in the growth process (John 14:15, I Peter 2:24).
    4. Each member individually and the community collectively are responsible for the effective stewardship of abilities, opportunities, and institutional resources (Matthew 25:14-30, Romans 12:3-8).
  2. We are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:39).
    1. Consistent with the example and command of Jesus Christ, love must be the determining factor in a Christian’s relationships with others. This love will vary in its expression – compassion, service, rebuke, discipline, etc. – with a view to the recipient’s ultimate welfare (Romans 12, Galatians 6:1-10).
    2. While Christians must ultimately decide what behavior is appropriate for them individually, the limiting of some individual liberties is necessary to attain common goals and ensure harmonious community life (Romans 14:1-13, Matthew 7:12).

Attitudinal and Behavioral Expectations

Student Code of Conduct

In addition to the preceding biblical principles, all members of the Malone University community are expected to live up to the following:

  1. Scripture commends certain qualities as good and right and are therefore to be encouraged. These include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, honesty, forgiveness, humility, service to others, non-discrimination, fairness, and studiousness.
  2. It is also recognized that Scripture condemns such sins of attitude as greed, jealousy, pride, lust, and hatred. Although these may be more difficult to discern, they lie at the heart of barriers to the relationship between a person and God and they can lead to unacceptable behavior.
  3. Similarly, there are certain actions that are expressly prohibited in Scripture and that will not be tolerated for members of the Malone community. These include theft, dishonesty, gossip, profanity, vulgarity, sexual promiscuity, adultery, homosexual activity, premarital sex, drunkenness, immodesty of dress, and occult practices.
  4. Members of the Malone community are expected to uphold the laws of the local community, the State of Ohio, and the nation, except on those rare occasions when obedience to the governmental authorities would require behavior in direct conflict with the teaching of Scripture. In this latter case, the individual would submit voluntarily to the legal penalty for the behavior. Criminal violations of any kind occurring on or off campus are subject to review within the Malone community for potential disciplinary action.

The following, while not exhaustive, provides guidelines for other behaviors which are prohibited on campus or at University-sponsored events:

  1. Conduct, which substantially disrupts, impedes, or interferes with the operation of Malone University. This includes, but is not limited to, disobedience of, or noncompliance with, a directive or order of a member of the administration, faculty, peace officer, school safety officer, or other school authority when such disobedience or noncompliance can reasonably be anticipated to result in disorder, disruption, or interference with the operation of Malone University, or adversely affect the good standing and reputation of Malone University.
  2. Conduct which substantially infringes on or invades the rights of others
  3. Intentionally or recklessly endangering or threatening the life or physical safety of others or self.
  4. Refusal to provide proper identification upon request by a University official or staff in the performance of their duties. Students are expected to carry their ID cards at all times and to present them upon request by University officials.
  5. Theft, willful damage, or vandalism of the University or personal property.
  6. Possession or use of firearms, explosives, fireworks, dangerous chemicals or noxious devices, or other dangerous weapons or any other object in a menacing or threatening manner on University-owned or -controlled property or at any University event.
  7. Unauthorized entry or use of University facilities or property.
  8. Possession or use of alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance or the misuse of prescription medications while on campus or at any University event. Likewise, the possession of empty alcoholic containers on campus is prohibited. For further details, refer to the Malone University, “Substance Use and Abuse Policy for Employees and Students.” The underage possession or use of alcohol off campus is prohibited.
  9. The practice of “hazing” of any form for the purpose of initiation into any recognized or non-recognized University team or organization.
  10. Disruptive misconduct which impedes the development of a safe, healthy environment including, but not limited to, intimidation, use of obscenities and profanities, open defiance of University officials or policies, or noncompliance with University traffic regulations.
  11. Wearing inappropriate dress or articles of clothing on campus. Any violation of the Guidelines for Student Dress found in the Student Handbook.
  12. Intentionally or recklessly misusing or damaging fire or other safety equipment.
  13. Misrepresenting information or furnishing false information to the University.
  14. Forgery, alteration, misrepresentation, counterfeiting, or misuse of any University document including University ID cards or unauthorized possession or duplication of University keys.
  15. Appearing on University premises or at University-sponsored events manifestly under the influence of a controlled or other intoxicating substance.
  16. Intentional or reckless interference with or disruption of University technology services or resources (e.g. computer disk storage, data, software, voice communications), unauthorized use, misuse, abuse, alterations, disclosure or destruction of University technology services or resources or any misuse or tampering with University telephones.
  17. Possession or viewing of pornography in any form.
  18. Sale or transfer by any means of property one knows or has reason to believe is stolen.
  19. In addition to the explicit teaching of the Scripture and the laws of the land, the members of the Malone community freely and willingly choose to impose upon themselves the following rules of behavior. Although these rules are not viewed as absolute standards by all Christians, they are held out of the belief that they serve both the good of the individual and institution. Every person who joins this community is required to acknowledge that he/she is subject to these rules.

Serious or repeated violations will result in severance from the community.

  1. The University recognizes the danger to one’s physical and/or psychological well-being in the use of certain products. The use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, hallucinogenic drugs (including marijuana), or narcotics (not authorized by a physician) is therefore vigorously discouraged for members of the Malone community. Under no circumstances are the above to be used, possessed, or distributed on campus or when attending any University-related activity. For further details, refer to the Malone University “Substance Use and Abuse Policy for Employees and Students.”
  2. Gambling is viewed as an unwise use of God-given resources and therefore is not permitted in any form.
  3. The use of any kind of demeaning gesture, threat of violence, or physical attack directed toward a person, or the vandalism of property is inappropriate to a Christian or civic community and is not permitted.
  4. Consideration for others and standards of good taste are prime concerns within the Malone community. Therefore, the display of affection in public and/or lounges must be within these limits.
  5. While Sunday is set apart for worship, rest, and recreation, the Malone community believes that every day should be lived to bring honor to the Lord. Participation in spiritual formation opportuniteis is required for collective spiritual and educational growth. In developing disciples, we acknowledge that true liberty is not so much freedom from regulations as freedom for disciplined living. Our freedom is for the purpose of glorifying God and living for others.
  6. Because of the obvious conflict with the Christian faith, any form of occult practice is not permitted. This would include, but is not limited to such things as seances, tarot cards, Dungeons and Dragons, Ouija boards, etc.

Community Agreement

The faculty and staff of Malone University are dedicated to the person of Jesus Christ and to the belief that the principles and practices set forth in the Holy Scriptures will enhance and be evident in the life of every person who seriously embraces the Christian philosophy.

Malone University is committed to the total development of each student and seeks to provide a nurturing environment for spiritual, academic, and social growth. Enrollment privileges are extended to any person who academically qualifies and is willing to accept the University’s lifestyle expectations regardless of race, creed, color, or denominational preference.

In order for any community to function effectively, it is necessary for that community to establish behavior expectations that govern its members. Therefore, in addition to the biblical principles that provide essential guidelines for effective living, Malone University discourages the use of (and prohibits the unlawful use of ) tobacco and alcoholic beverages, including non-alcoholic beer. The University prohibits the possession, use, distribution, purchase, or sale (or solicitation of purchase or sale) of illegal or unauthorized drugs, controlled substances, drug-related paraphernalia or alcohol, or being under the influence of any such substance, while on University property, while conducting University business, while engaging in University-related activities, or while operating or riding in University-supplied vehicles; or any other violation of the “Malone University Substance Use and Abuse Policy for Employees and Students” or any related rules or regulations. Students are required to abstain from sexual misconduct, from any violent behavior or threats of violence (to self or others), and from gambling, profanity, vulgar behavior, unlawful harassment, or any other improper conduct.

The University acknowledges that every adult has the right and responsibility to establish his or her personal lifestyle, but that lifestyle cannot conflict with the standards established by the Malone community. Campus lifestyle expectations are not an attempt to legislate Christianity and are not to be considered moral absolutes; however, it is the conviction of the University that they are valid expressions of a Christian community.

Spiritual Formation is an integral part of the Malone University experience, and every student is required to participate in Spiritual Formation Opportunities. Each student is encouraged to also become involved in the services of one or more of the local churches.


As an educational institution, Malone University seeks to fulfill its mission of developing the whole person. In so doing:

  1. We affirm our dignity and worth as creatures of God.
  2. We accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ as ultimate authority.
  3. We value the uniqueness and benefits of the Christian academic community.
  4. We express a deep concern for individual growth and view discipleship as the highest calling.